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Shoulder Pain



Causes of Shoulder Pain

Acute neck pain, in cases of trauma like car accidents or sports injuries, is usually caused by a whiplash injury to the cervical region of the spine. Whiplash or whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) is the result of impulsive stretching of the spine due to a sudden, propulsive force directed to the patient’s back: this force causes the head and neck to snap backwards and then forwards. Symptoms of a whiplash-associated disorder include neck pain that may extend to the upper or lower back, pins and needles and/or numbness to the arms and fingers. Whiplash-associated disorders are graded from mild subjective pain and stiffness, to fracture, dislocation and injuries to the spinal cord.


Sometimes, there is no apparent cause of acute neck pain. For example, patients commonly complain of waking up with a stiff neck, a condition called Torticollis (wry neck). Torticollis is caused by muscle spasms in the neck that cause pain and severely limit the ranges of motion.


Chronic neck pain is often the result of muscle tension that is caused by prolonged sitting, poor working posture, poor circulation, and lack of exercise. Muscle tension develops in the upper back, shoulders and neck areas, which not only causes muscles to ache, but also restricts spinal joint movements. Over time, poor joint mechanics result in disc protrusion and osteoarthritis, which may cause nerve impingement.


Tension-type headaches are also commonly related to neck pain, as trigger points within the cervical musculature can cause referral pain to the head region.



Chiropractic Treatment Approach for Shoulder Pain

  1. Reduce Pain - The goal of treatment initially would be to reduce the pain, or to “break the pain cycle”. As the pain level is reduced, the muscles will relax, reversing the pain cycle. Certain modalities, such as dry-needling, ultrasound therapy and interferential current therapy, may be employed to provide pain relief, reduce inflammation and promote muscle relaxation.  

  2. Restore normal joint mechanics - Depending on the examination findings, your chiropractor may adjust (manipulate) the joints that are misaligned (subluxated). Shockwave therapy will also facilitate healing of the soft tissues surrounding the shoulder joint.

  3. Improve flexibility and strength – To prevent future injuries, it is important to improve the flexibility of the joints and the strength of the muscles. Your chiropractor will advise you on appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises according to your physical needs and fitness level.

  4. Lifestyle adjustments – Exercises, working posture, sleep etc. play a vital role in the development and otherwise prevention of shoulder pain. Your doctor will work with you to identify lifestyle adjustments that will help you maximize the quality of your health.



Chiropractic Treatment of Shoulder Pain Effectiveness

The neck, shoulder, elbow and wrist joints act as a chain in many upper limb movements. A critical factor in recovering from shoulder pain is promoting/enabling movement of the above joints. Chiropractic treatments such as manipulations and electrotherapy help to restore the proper joint mechanics, increase blood flow, reduce pain and relax muscles. In doing so, chiropractic care enables the shoulder joint to begin moving freely, while reducing or alleviating pain.



Recommended Treatments for Shoulder Pain*

  • Shoulder manipulation - for restoration of joint movements

  • Ultrasound Therapy - for reducing inflammation

  • Electro- Therapy - for relaxing muscles and enhance circulation

  • Exercise Therapy - to restore normal function and flexibility


* A proper diagnosis has to be obtained for all of the above conditions before an appropriate combination of treatments will be provided. This is just a list of possible treatments for the individual condition but not all of them may be necessary, nor is it limited to those listed only.

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