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Coccyx Pain/Tailbone Pain



Causes of Coccyx Pain/Tailbone Pain

Like in the upper spine, the coccygeal segments are connected by joints. Hence, problems such as sprains, subluxation, and even bone fractures may also occur in this region. The incidence of coccyx or tailbone pain is five times higher in women than in men. The following are common causes of coccygeal pain:

  • Accidental trauma such as sitting backwards and falling on the ground

  • Being hit or compressed by a hard object

  • Sedentary or poor posture

  • Obesity

  • In late pregnancy, the soft tissues near the tailbone may be excessively strained as the fetus grows bigger

  • Strains from excessive pressure during vaginal delivery




Chiropractic Treatment Approach for Coccyx Pain/Tailbone Pain

  1. Persistent coccyx / tailbone pain can significantly impact a person’s daily life. We recommend that patients get treatment as soon as possible so as not to miss the best treatment opportunity. Chiropractic treatment can effectively alleviate coccyx pain/tailbone pain. Your chiropractor will first examine the exact location of pain, as well as the mechanics of nearby structures such as the lumbar spinal joints and related muscles. X-ray examination can further confirm whether there is a fracture or subluxation/dislocation of any coccygeal segment, its length and degree of angulation. An excessively curved or straight coccyx is more prone to be sprained.

  2. The most natural treatment for acute trauma is ice. After the acute inflammation subsides, your chiropractor may adjust the coccyx, lumbar or sacral spine according to examination findings. The muscles and ligaments connected to the coccyx / tailbone are quite complex and delicate in structure and function, so your chiropractor must distinguish the cause and manage the condition carefully. In rare cases, it may require surgical removal of the coccygeal segment(s) if all other treatments have failed, although there is no guarantee of complete recovery after the operation.



Chiropractic Treatment of Coccyx Pain/Tailbone Pain

  1. Reduce Pain - For both acute and chronic pain, the goal of treatment initially would be to reduce the pain, or to “break the pain cycle”. As the pain level is reduced, the muscles will relax, reversing the pain cycle

  2. Restore normal joint mechanics - Depending on the examination findings, your chiropractor will adjust (manipulate) the coccygeal joints that are misaligned (subluxated). This may take place on the first treatment or on any subsequent treatments as deemed necessary.

  3. Improve flexibility and strength – To prevent future injuries, it is important to improve the flexibility of the joints and muscle strength. Your chiropractor will advise you on appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises according to your physical needs and fitness level.

  4. Lifestyle adjustments – Other factors like exercises, diet, working posture, sleep etc. may play a vital role in the development and otherwise prevention of neck pain. Your doctor will work with you to identify lifestyle adjustments that will help you maximize the quality of your health.



Recommended Treatments for Coccyx Pain/Tailbone Pain*

  • Spinal manipulation - for restoration of joint movements

  • Non-surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy - for reducing pressure, stress and compression effect on the                                                                                  discs and nerves

  • Ultrasound Therapy - for reducing inflammation

  • Electro-Therapy - for relaxing muscles and enhance circulation

  • Exercise Therapy - to restore normal function and flexibility


* A proper diagnosis has to be obtained for all of the above conditions before an appropriate combination of treatments will be provided. This is just a list of possible treatments for the individual condition but not all of them may be necessary, nor is it limited to those listed only.

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